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Microchip certificate details

Please ensure accuracy of the details provided. If you need to make changes after we have printed the cert, do note that there will be an additional $5 charge to amend each cert.

Select the given date of your appointment


Kindly provide the details of your pet in this format. If you have multiple pets, please repeat as necessary.

Pet's name:




Sterilised: Yes/No


(If you do not have the birthdate, please provide an estimate. I.e 1st Jan 2018)

If your pet is aggressive, fearful of strangers, or require any additional care, please tell us more details. We will buffer more time for your appointment. If your pet has a medical condition, please inform us.

Tips to prepare your pet ahead of the microchip session

[FOR CATS especially]

  1. Please keep all your pets in a room prior to the arrival of the vet.

This is to prevent your pet from hiding when strangers come to their home!

  1. Prepare a big towel (we may use it to burrito them)

  2. Prepare a yummy treat for post microchip reward!

  • important! If you are not able to handle your feisty cat/afraid of your pet, we recommend you book a teleconsult with our vet ahead of the appointment so we can dispense anxiety medication for him/her (If suitable). Do contact us to enquire about the cost.

  • Do note that if your pet hides or you are unable to get them ready for the microchip session, we allow up to 15 mins of wait time. After which, no refunds will be made. We seek for your understanding that the time and resources has been put in for every pet that we will be seeing.

  • For pets that are anxious or aggressive, please ensure a capable pet owner or handler is present during the appointment to assist if needed.

  • If your pet is already microchipped upon checking, we will only refund $5 for the service as the microchip certification is still endorsed by Pawkit vet.

Thank you and we look forward to a smooth and low-stress experience for you and your pet/pets!

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